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New Meeting: Saint Patty's Yorkie Yappy Hour

From: Rodi (In memory of P.
Sent on: Monday, February 25, 2008, 8:02 PM
Announcing a new meeting for The San Francisco Yorkshire Terrier Meetup Group!

What: Saint Patty's Yorkie Yappy Hour

When: Friday, March 14, 5:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meeting Description: Yappy Saint Patty's Day Yorkies!

To celebrate Saint Patty's Day, we will be celebrating the festive green Holiday at Bella and Daisy's on Friday, March 14th from 5-8pm. Green beer, wine, and greenies will be the theme of the Meetup and it would be great to get our yorkies together for a night out! Make sure you and your yorkie(s) are wearing GREEN to avoid being pinched by Poki and friends!

We hope to see you and your yorkie(s) at the Saint Patty's Day Yappy Hour @ Bella and Daisy's!

Learn more here:

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