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Update: Singapore PHP User Group November Meetup - 14 Nov 2007

From: user 3.
Sent on: Monday, November 5, 2007, 9:02 PM
Dear Friends,

The numbers thus far has been very encouraging ? 24 confirmed guest from Facebook and 8 RSVP from (double counting myself).

=== Venue ===
The good folks at OOPS (Object Oriented Programming Society at SMU) has secured the room for our use. Here?s the final location:

Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Time: 7:30pm - 10:30pm
Singapore Management University (SMU),
School of Information Systems, Seminar Rm 2.2 (level 2)

Address: 80 Stamford Road, Singapore[masked]
(Map: )

**** NOTE: As part of campus security requirement, I will need all the attendee?s NRIC / Passport number. Please email me as soon as possible with your name & ID number. ****

=== Speakers ===

We have a pretty exciting line-up of speakers. Many thanks to all who volunteered and offered?

1) Technology: PHP 101 - PHP Language Fundamentals

Presenter: Michael Cheng, Convener, Singapore PHP User Group

Discover the 4 things you need to know in order to program in any programming language! With live examples and tutorials to quickly start churning out PHP codes! A must-see for all newbies and PHPer wannabes! :D

2) Business: PHP & Your Business

Presenter : Raymond Ng, CEO, Occamlogic Consulting

Raymond will share with us on how PHP?s contribution to Business Management tools and how its re-shaping business management & economic trends. Basically how your company can leverage on PHP as a platform for your business success.

3) Technology: Security in PHP

Presenter: Chua U-Zyn, CTO, / Founder,

Uzyn has build a popular RSS feed aggregator ? ? and has developed many successful PHP based websites. Uzyn will share on the challenges and the techniques he has developed in making PHP a secure web programming platform. And if you ask nicely, he?ll probably play a tune for you too ? on his iPhone nonetheless! 

=== Volunteers ===

We?re a non-profit and volunteer based organization. So if you feel for our cause and am passionate about PHP and wanna see the community grow in Singapore, I welcome you to join our management core team. Email me at [address removed]. If nothing else, at least you?ll get a fancy email account - :D

See you guys on 14th Nov @ SMU! Be punctual! Please! ^_^?


Michael Cheng
Skype: miccheng
Email: miccheng [at]

Singapore PHP User Group

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