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Speakers for PHP Metup (August 2015) confirmed

From: Michael C.
Sent on: Monday, August 17, 2015, 8:43 PM


So we just confirmed the speakers for the upcoming PHP Meetup:

1) Developing scalable PHP apps on AWS

Speaker: Lalit Nama

Starting with introduction of AWS SDK for PHP including how to install and configure the SDK and how to perform operations with S3, I would like to cover Amazon S3 Stream Wrapper for PHP. Configuration of Amazon SES for faster emailing. Leveraging AWS services for application components. A short demo to deploy a scalable sample PHP application on AWS.

2) Introduction to Xdebug

Speaker: Claudio Michael Mettler

This will be a short talk on xdebug, how to set it up quickly.

Hope to see you guys soon.

Michael Cheng
Singapore PHP User Group

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