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What we’re about

Join one of Maui, Hawaii's most sought after teachers and energy healers, Jonathan Hammond, in a series of Shamanic and Reiki trainings and workshops online and on Hawaii. These classes are inspirational, healing, enlightening, and fun!

As we move through this transformative and tumultuous time on our planet; a time when the indigenous peoples have prophesied a great shift of consciousness would take place, many of us are being asked to relate to ourselves and our world in a new way.

In these highly experiential events, led by Jonathan Hammond, we will work with ancient shamanic practices, and utilize them for our healing, empowerment, and the betterment of our lives.

We will become acquainted with spirit allies and forces, navigate through expanded landscapes designed to open the heart, begin to remove obstacles that are in the way of our greater expression and potential. We will retrieve lost soul parts or vital essence, merge with the loving inter-connectivity and healing properties of nature, the elements, psyche and spirit.


All Shamanic Reiki trainings are professionally credentialed, and you will receive a certification for your participation. Even if you have traditional Reiki experience, the Shamanic Reiki curriculum will open you to a new ways of working with the Reiki energy. These workshops are also perfect for those with no previous experience.