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What we’re about

This group is to connect via group events, like Shamanic Journeys, Ceremonies, and more, to experience the Shamanic Way of Life and live in unity with the world around us.

It addresses all who seek to live more intuitively and want to empower themselves in their healing and living happily, and those, who care deeply for the natural world and the well-being of others.

“You are what you seek.” or “What you seek is seeking you.” are two translations of my favorite quote of the Sufi Mystic and Poet Rumi. It points to the realization that all we are looking for is already inherently and intimately our own and only found within. So close and naturally to us that it is easily overlooked with our gaze pointing outward, and our mind looking outside of us.

With so many distractions in today’s world that lead our attention away from our inner sense of being and therefore our wisdom it can be difficult to find true faith in our own power and knowledge, our energies can become scattered and we feel disconnected from the natural world and the people around us.

The Shamanic Way of Life offers an experimental and experiential way that does not need fixed rules or believes and opens the possibility for you to find your very personal and authentic way of living in harmony and joy.

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