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What we’re about

Welcome to the Shamanic Healing Circle!

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of healing and self-discovery? Join us in the mystical realms of shamanic healing, where ancient wisdom meets modern insights to nurture your soul.

What We Offer:

🌟 Sacred Space: Our circle provides a safe and sacred space where you can explore the depths of your inner world.

🥁 Healing Rituals: Experience the power of shamanic rituals, drumming, and energy work to balance your mind, body, and spirit.

🌿 Spiritual Guidance: Connect with experienced shamans and fellow seekers to gain insights, wisdom, and support on your spiritual path.

Transformation: Discover the potential for profound personal growth and transformation through shamanic practices.

🌌 Community: Join a like-minded community of individuals dedicated to spiritual growth, healing, and holistic well-being.

Who Should Join:

This group is open to anyone interested in exploring shamanic healing, whether you're a seasoned practitioner or completely new to the concept. If you're seeking inner peace, self-discovery, and a deeper connection to your spiritual self, you'll find a warm welcome here.

Join us on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and spiritual awakening.

Let your inner shamanic potential awaken and thrive with Soul Harmonics. We look forward to sharing this transformative journey with you.

To Sign-up Contribute What You Feel
These events operate on a 'pay what you want' basis, allowing you to contribute in a way that reflects the value you find. To sign-up, please visit Payment Link.

Connect on WhatsApp: Stay Updated with Our Shamanic Circle
To stay connected and keep up with the latest updates, join our WhatsApp group. Follow this link: to become part of our vibrant community. This group serves as a direct channel for communication, allowing you to engage with fellow members, receive real-time announcements, and share insights.

Upcoming events (4+)

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