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What we’re about

This MEET UP group explores the energetic process of change that many people are seeking at this time. Its purpose is to introduce ways that more people who are seeking can use to shift their energy and hold more light.

Elka Boren has a unique connection to Source energy and is able to call in potent spiritual healing energy through all levels of the body. Her mission is to share and teach about this energy with others. Since her childhood in Panama, she’s been gifted with spiritual, shaman healing abilities, clairvoyance and a sensitivity that help her to see into the body on many levels. Now she travels extensively, offering a variety of workshops and classes to teach others.

Over the past 23 years, Elka has studied with many teachers/shamans, among them Irish Master Healer Derek O'Neill, integrating her gifts and the Spirit guidance she receives into a full-time teaching and healing practice. She is a teacher and practitioner of Divine Intervention and works with Angel Activation Energy and offers group workshops so others receive this initiation. She is also a Reiki master. As Elka works with people and Source energy in her workshops, classes and private sessions, they return to their natural state of wholeness. Energetic blocks are released from the subtle and the physical bodies – and an acceleration of powerful, natural healing processes takes place. Classes are offered, as well, to teach others these skills.

All those seeking this kind of change are welcome to join. Elka travels through the Northeast, Florida and other US areas constantly. Many people who see her are in transition – in their lives, relationships, health, and professions and within themselves. Her powerful technique moves people through new life phases, removing blocks at their root as old patterns are let go of, shifting people to higher energy frequencies and bringing forward greater clarity, understanding and movement.

Elka also offers healings long-distance and business and house/apartment clearings that shift long-held, stagnant energy to move properties and businesses to new heights.