What we’re about
Hi MOOCers in Shanghai, stop tucking in at home or dorms on weekends and step out of your comfort zone a bit, with other MOOCers! We can find a cafe (a lot to explore in this area) with our Mac or Tab, go on independent study or enjoy a little discussion on the topic of common interests. No extra cost except for drinks or snacks (we go dutch, of course). A brief profile of me myself: Engineer background in college, and now working as marketing manager for FMCG in a French group. Currently enrolled in marketing & business courses on Coursera, some casual coverage of law, history & arts in the meantime. My MOOC schedule normally starts at 10:00 and last till 18:00, with a light lunch of salad in the mid day. Anyone interested please add my Wechat 183975175, or contact me via cell phone 185 0176 0700. Looking forward to meeting you in the coming future:-) 各位上海MOOCers,周末不要宅家宅宿舍了,一起找个清静咖啡厅上课或阅读吧!可以互不干扰遥相照应,也可以找个大家共同感兴趣的课题讨论交流。除各自饮料或茶点消费以外,不涉及其他费用。本人固定于周六、周日10:00-18:00泡咖啡馆,工科背景,职业为外资公司市场经理,目前课题在跟business & marketing, 偶有涉猎law, history & arts. 希望加入的朋友请先加微信183975175,每周约新地点。期待见面:-)