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What we’re about

I decided 2019 would be my year of habit shifting and I want to take you along the journey with me! Welcome Tribe! We will divide the next 365 days into blocks of 36 days (or duration of your choice) where we focus on a SINGLE habit that has kept us stuck, allowed us to not fulfill our own potential, or allowed us to continue to perpetuate old stories about ourselves. Whether this is a habit we want to part with forever or one we just simply want a hiatus from, we will discover together what life is like without these behaviors. In 2019 we will focus on 10 habbits that we can choose to leave behind and not bring foward to 2020.

I created this Meetup because I am devoted to make shift happen in my life. I will provide the 10 habits I have committed to in a raw and vulnerable form, however I encourage you to create your own map for 2019 and the things you wish to slay. (PM for a copy of my map) The journey is yours. The more personal this journey can become the more valuable the reward! 

Starting in January I will post a blog monthly about my journey, struggles, challenges, and discoveries. You will also have access to a private facebook page where we can share challenges, success, and find accountability buddies. Can't wait to take this journey with you!

I hope to have an event each month to vibe about our habit shifts and share our stories!



Remember this process is about EXPERIMENTING life without these behaviors and should be ventured with curiosity and courage.  NO shame here! 

Let's Do This Kids!
