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Welcome to Sierra Club Outings - Kern Kaweah Chapter.

This is your connection to Sierra Club Outings led by approved Outing Leaders. Leaders live in areas from Visalia, south to Bakersfield and Frasier Park, and east around the mountains to Ridgecrest. Mostly we explore the splendor of the central and southern Sierra, but you may find urban and foothill conditioning hikes, and trips venturing elsewhere. You can learn about gear, navigating, backpacking, and how you can help protect our local open and wild places.

Please take the time to read this and other information carefully, there are things you need to know.

If you are using a smart phone, you might miss information. If you can, USE A COMPUTER to join, and read the entire meetup description carefully when signing up.

We are very fortunate to live with the lovely and majestic Sierra Nevada in our backyard. It’s beauty is matched by the power of Nature ruling it. For those new to the wilderness, or those who have gotten so comfortable they have forgotten, there are very real risks involved in hiking there, even for day hikes. Therefore, we encourage all participants to help make the Outing safe, by being prepared, bringing the right gear, and helping the Outing Leader judge your skill and fitness level appropriate to the trip. If you have questions, you can click on a leader's photo to find a link to message them.

Outing Leaders must approve you for your spot on trips, which have varying skill and fitness requirements. To help these volunteers save time, please complete the profile questions thoughtfully. Happy leaders post more hikes.

We want to get to know you. If you haven't already, please go to your Profile > View in the menu bar and put up a profile photo. Also put in your profile a face photo that can be used for Search and Rescue purposes. Tell us your hiking experience, miles/day you enjoy, elevation gain you are comfortable with, terrain you prefer, altitude you love. That helps us make sure you are on an Outing right for you. We welcome newbies, don’t be shy! Advanced, off-trail hikers will be challenged too. You have to join our meetup site to RSVP here, but you do not have to be a member of Sierra Club to go.

Sierra Club Outing Leaders have satisfied certain training requirements and are approved by Sierra Club to lead Club Outings. Our trips are safely conducted with the 'Leader in the front, Sweep in the rear' format, making sure each person gets back to their car. In addition to Outing Leader training, leaders all have at least Basic First Aid training, and some have Wilderness First Aid training. The person who posts and manages a meetup event page is called the “Event Host” by meetup, and is usually the Outing Leader for the trip. Each Outings Leader has their own style, so please expect the differences, and get to know each Leader. Leaders are all unpaid volunteers, and outings have no fee, other than shared usual costs of the trip.

You can become an Outing Leader! Even if you are an 'Easy' level hiker, or somewhat new to hiking. We are looking for an Easy level Leader at this time. You can be approved to lead hikes within your comfort range and on hikes that you are familiar with. Message the leadership team for more info.

Discussions Tab - Sierra Club advocates Leave No Trace, and carrying the 10 essentials on day hikes and backpack trips. Keio usually offers at least one Navigation clinic and Light Backpacking clinic per year. Links for learning can be found in the Discussions Tab near the top of the homepage. You can also post in the Discussions tab for example if you are looking for a hiking or BPing partner for a trip you are planning. If you are on a specific meetup page for a specific event, the Comments section is for talking about that particular event.

Participants must sign a liability waiver, usually done at the trailhead. Though there will always be a Sierra Club-approved Outing Leader at each Outing, each participant is responsible for their own safety. Parents must sign a waiver, and a medical release, for an unaccompanied minor. Participants on overnight trips must fill out a Medical Form, so we can better prepare for your safely and the success of the trip.

Looking forward to hiking with you!

Explore, enjoy, and protect the planet,

Keio Ogawa
Sierra Club Kern Kaweah Chapter

THE FINE PRINT - PLEASE READ **Every participant must sign a liability waiver before any Sierra Club outing.** Please read outing write-ups thoroughly.** The Club will not assume responsibility for carpools, and carpool transportation is at the sole risk of the participants.** You must be appropriately in condition, experienced, and geared up, for this trip, and must be leader approved. If not, you might not be allowed on this outing.** This outing is led by a Sierra Club Outings Leader; you must be willing to follow the leader's directions.** Sierra Club members AND non-members welcome!** We advocate conservation, Leave No Trace ethics, and carrying the 10 essentials.** Please be considerate! If you can't go, change your RSVP to "NO", at least by 8pm the evening before, so those on the wait list can go. "No Shows" will lose preference for future spots.** Please check the night before that the hike is still on.** CST 2087766-40. Registration as a seller of travel does not constitute approval by the State of California.