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What we’re about

Why are we gathering?
We are a learning community of agile & lean practitioners & leaders. We are here to connect & offer knowledge & perspectives to support & advance each others.

What is the meetup format?
This is a Lean Coffee style meetup. We talk about what is most important to you. It is a structured but agenda-less session. We gather & build the agenda democratically each session and begin talking.

What kind of dialogs you can expect?
You will be here to learn & teach at the same time. Often we have engaging dialogs of

  • solutions for challenges we are facing
  • latest & the greatest in the agile world
  • insight, tips & books
  • career & professional growth

Who should join?
We welcome practitioners & leaders at any level or in any fields. There is always something we can discover & learn from each others.

Please join us for a productive & inspiring conversation.