What we’re about
This meetup was created by JunLing Hu who hosted a handful of meetups.
Monica Anderson took over the meetup and ran it twice monthly for five years -- about 110 meetups. During this time, the meetup featured a variety of AI topics and presentations, but many discussed a Holistic (Model Free) point of view, provided by Anderson.
In the third incarnation, Peter Kane ran it for a few years as a San Francisco based non-profit organizing scientific gatherings that contribute to disease research and help answer challenging problems in life sciences. This activity moved to SV.AI and then again to [researchtothepeople.org](https://www.researchtothepeople.org)
Anderson is now reviving this group again with the intent of using it as a place to run workshops and presentations about Experimental AI Epistemology, ChatGPT and similar systems, including implementation strategies, Holistic AI, Deep Neural Networks, Organic Learning, Understanding Machine One, The Red Pill of Machine Learning, Natural Language Understanding, AI Ethics, and other topics in the AI Epistemology domain.
The group used to be called "Silicon Valley Artificial Intelligence". We now have a new name - "Zeroth Principles of AI" -- Because AI requires us to descend to a level below the First Principles of Science. To the level of Epistemology.
To get a head start on these meetups you could study
[https://experimental-epistemology.ai](https://experimental-epistemology.ai) .
At the top of that page are links to Anderson's older blog and a direct link to Chapter 7, which is titled "The Red Pill of Machine Learning". This chapter, more than anything else on the site, discusses the fundamentals of AI Epistemology.
[https://zerothprinciples.substack.com](https://zerothprinciples.substack.com) is Anderson's blog for comments on current AI trends and occasional major posts. These will provide material for some of our future MeetUps.
[https://vimeo.com/showcase/5329344](https://vimeo.com/showcase/5329344?fbclid=IwAR3yOKIud9MZm10N5KCCpBc3ciD2SMjJnbDRRU36Oa5SDo-psqqC4vXYMWI) -- Videos from this meetup group when hosted by Anderson. We recommend watching the first (short) introductory one -- "Dual Process Theory" -- and "Model Free Methods Workshop" where the students solve four problems using both Reductionist and Holistic methods, including mind reading.
[https://www.facebook.com/pandemonica/](https://www.facebook.com/pandemonica/) This is Anderson's account on Facebook, where a lot of AI Epistemology research gets discussed.