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Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Romance Critique Group

Photo of Patricia Lee
Hosted By
Patricia L. and Alaa
Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Romance Critique Group


For instructions on how to join a Zoom Meeting -
Hi! We’re the Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Romance critique group! We meet once a month for super fun round table group critiques of each other's short stories, novel excerpts and fanfics!
Details of the meeting will be sent to participants via meetup Event Chat. You must have a microphone on your computer, webcam with audio is preferable but optional. Putting faces to names and socializing online is an important part of both the meetup process and the feedback process. Thank you.

General Group Notes:

  • Please email for submissions with this Subject Heading and file name: sffr_submission_(your name). If the heading and your file do not contain this information, they will be deleted. To view submissions please wait for the hosts to send you a message in Event Chat with the google drive folder link, at the deadline.
  • Submission are 2,500 words maximum. Please grey out any extra words.
  • We will accept the first 7 submissions.
  • Please read and review all the submissions before the meetup.
  • Uploads are due 5 days before the meeting.
  • Please view member files for rules and guidelines:
  • File sharing and non-meeting discussion happens in a private Slack group which you can join once you’re a member.
  • If you’d like to check out our group, please contact Alaa or Patricia for the monthly reading list or for any questions.

Happy writing and see you!

Photo of Singapore Writer's Network (SWN) group
Singapore Writer's Network (SWN)
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15 spots left