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What we’re about

Welcome to our Singapore Yoga for Healthy Living Meetup!

This group is for anyone who is interested in the practice of stretching, core, and yoga practices.

People 40-60’s, who are inflexible & who like to improve their flexibilities & strength are especially suitable to join the group.

We also welcome moms and ladies who are seeking to improve their fitness levels or who are interested to socialise and find common wellness, yoga and/ or fitness activities to do together!

Although this is a group primarily for yoga detox and stretch activities, other wellness and fitness activities are welcome to be hosted here!

Whether you are a beginner looking to improve flexibility or an experienced yogi wanting to promote holistic well-being, this group is perfect for you.

Join us for uplifting sessions focused on stretching, detoxification, and connecting the mind, body, and soul.

Let's come together to discover the transformative power of yoga and cultivate a sense of balance and inner peace in our busy lives. Namaste!