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What we’re about

I’ve realized there aren’t many social networking, friendship building groups for single dads out there.
I’m talking about Guelph & surrounding areas.

The motivation for this group is to simply get out & connect with other guys, who are also walking this parenting journey, while still establishing & maintaining your place as a great, unique, capable, mature, individual in the world.

Separation & divorce has a way of really shakin’ up your world.

My journey on this path has been 4 years divorced now.
I’m grateful, & very fortunate, that those extremely challenging times led me to find a life re-awakening, & healthy inner growth, & crucial life lessons.
I’m excited to be rebuilding a great solid fulfilling life.
I truly enjoy being a dad!
I believe that an enriching life is achieved as we grow in our own self-awareness, & also grow & learn with other good positive people in our lives.

Let’s see if we can find opportunities to come together as single parents… As individuals… Navigating life… Let’s find common ground, & build each other up… & find friendship.
Maybe you’re a dad, but you’re not single, that’s great…you’re also welcome to build together as dads…social networks…good life perspectives.

This is to see what possibilities might come as we get out there & give it a shot.

Post some ideas… We can meet at a pub… Coffee shop… A park… Nature walk… This can lead to all kind of cool ideas to connect

As time goes on, & if people feel comfortable, we can even consider doing events where we include our kids to connect as well…
Sky is the limit…
Just trying to see if there is an interest in this.