What we’re about
Southern California Christian Singles
Find this meetup at [www.SinglePassion.org](http://www.SinglePassion.org).
"LIKE" our Facebook page - [www.Facebook.com/onesinglepassion](http://www.Facebook.com/onesinglepassion).
Single+Passion Ministries is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. You must be **legally single** to join. You do not have to be a member to attend. Invite your friends to join you!
-->>>WARNING! We are NOT your personal dating site. Do not message our members. This is a meetup giving you a place to meet, make friends, and meet people monthly. You will be removed for messaging our members. A current photo is required.<<<--- Unhiding your meetup groups are required for approval.
Single+Passion Ministries offers CHRISTIAN SINGLES a place to meet and grow closer in your relationship with God, and just plain have fun monthly together!
We offer singles fun opportunities to meet monthly in a fun and friendly non-alcoholic atmosphere. Many singles have met their spouses at our meetups and are now married.
Single+Passion offers FUN SINGLES SOCIAL ACTIVITIES which includes monthly dances averaging 150-300+ singles. Don't miss our annual singles retreats for singles and single parents... and group cruises, relationship singles conferences, ministry opportunities, clean comedy shows, dancing, concerts, and more. Outdoor adventures like hiking, zip line, camping, wallclimbing, motorcycle rides, picnic/BBQ's, and much more!
Single+Passion Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that gratefully receives tax deductible donations of any size. You can help support this singles ministry and help us grow in services we provide for singles.
Our meetup requires members to unhide their meetup groups for approval.
Disclaimer: You need to be legally single and over 18 years old living in Southern California to join. We are not a dating site. To join you must be divorced, widowed or never married. If you are separated, contact the organizer and do not join until your divorce is final unless you receive permission from the organizer. Thank you.