What we’re about
If you're on the autism spectrum, and want to practice and improve your skills at connecting with others, you're in the right place.
This is not a traditional Aspergers support group. Instead, we focus on doing fun and inclusive activities that help you:
- Connect with others in ways you've never tried before
- Get comfortable with being included and accepted
- Explore what it means to open your heart
- Practice social skills with people who are interested in doing the same
- Learn how to manage & overcome social anxiety
Plus, you'll be in a group of people who are like you. That means you won't have to explain why you're different or deal with the judgment of people who don't "get" you.
Trust me, we get you!
Here you can make new friends and learn new skills. These are skills you can practice and use In your personal life and in the workplace.
Go ahead and join us. We're looking forward to meeting you.
ABOUT US - This group is run by two therapists (Ali and Nicole) who specialize in working with people on the spectrum (or those with neurodiverse minds). We work with autistic and Aspergers folks all day long, and we love helping you find connection.