What we’re about
What we're about
Thank you for your interest in Singles Over 60 Reno. Please read all of the following which contains basic membership requirements.
This is a small, fun, mixed, social club for seniors over 60. Our goal is to make new friends and meet other singles. We have a great group of men and women and we want those who will put forth a little effort to be members. Together we participate in golfing (no score keeping) bowling (the computer score is never as high as I expected.) Texas Hold'em (If you know an ace from a deuce you are welcome to attend and learn.) happy hours, dining out, and we'd like to be doing more day trips. etc. If you like to dance or enjoy music and a glass of wine, We'd like to return to the scenes that the Covid edicts prevented.
Part of being an active participant is by hosting/co-hosting at least one event per year. It could be at your house, or at a restaurant, or any place where we can gather as a group.
We expect you to be active within the first 30 days and pay your dues when accepted. You may pay either online or to an organizer. New members are expected to attend something within 30 days of becoming a member. If health, family, or travels, means you are unable to participate please let us know.
Members are expected to attend an event at least once every 60 days. There is an expectation that you attend events you sign up for. If after signing up for an event you find you cannot attend we expect you to change your RSVP to not attending. However, if this is not done two days in advance of a house party, you will be charged the same amount as if you had intended. This money goes to the host, therefore last minute cancellations will affect the host/hostess monetarily.
We do request a full face photo in order to identify you as a member. It must be a recent photograph. Your membership will remain in pending status until an acceptable photo is posted.
The group does not talk politics, religions or promote businesses.
Dues are $20 per year when accepted. There is a 30 day trial period for both the new member and the club. This means if you or other club members decide you are not a good fit, membership will be terminated and you will receive a refund if dues have been paid during this trial period.
We understand that people meet others within the group, and outside the group which can turn into relationships. If you meet within SOS, you can both remain members, but we ask that you actively interact with other members when attending an SOS event.
Guests (Plus ones) are allowed. Eventually we hope that guest would want to become a member. One caveat to allowing guests. If a wait list of members wanting to attend an event it's possible the guest may have to cede their RSVP to a member.
We encourage you to offer suggestions to make SOS a better experience.
If you have questions, please contact me, Rosanne Busey, or Bruce Klimoski.
Thank you, Rosanne