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What we’re about

Connecting women who are Childfree by Choice. Make friends. Be accepted. Grow your world.

As Seen On: Ireland AM | Newstalk | Life Magazine | Irish Examiner |
Are Kids for Me? Podcast | Storytime Podcast

What this group is about
Are you childfree by choice and want to make new friends? Then Sisterhood is for you. We're a friendly bunch based in Ireland, with an online presence all over the world, from Australia to the UK, France, Netherlands, Lithuania and beyond.

All about you
All ages are welcome to join, and whether you're single or in a relationship, you'll have friends waiting for you in the group. Sisterhood is LGBTQIA+ friendly 🏳️‍🌈 This group is for people identifying as female, who have decided not to have children. If you're on the fence about having kids, you're welcome to join and learn more from childfree members.

Empowering you to be confident
My personal mission is for childfree by choice women like you to be 100% accepted by society, so that you don't have to feel lonely, isolated or left out for not having kids.

What you'll get access to
In this MeetUp group, you'll be able to join regular activities, like book clubs, brunches and speaker events. If you're based in Dublin you can check out our in-person events. If you're based in another part of Ireland, check out our regional events in Waterford, Galway and further afield!

Continuing to thrive safely
We've grown so much in the past three years to 1000+ amazing women! As we've grown, it's important for you to stay safe online. Do not post your phone number, email address or any personal details in the comments section. We also expect all members to respect MeetUp's community policies, event policies and social media standards.

If you sign up, show up
Our event hosts volunteer their time to organise events and create a great community. If you RSVP yes and don't show up, you're taking a spot from another member. If you don't show up without informing the organiser, or regularly cancel last-minute, we will get in touch to understand why, and you may be removed from the group.


  • Gateway Ireland - If you are looking for support as a woman unable to have children, take a look at Gateway Ireland and UK.

Looking forward to exploring childfree life together <3