What we’re about
Are you looking for a context where...
- you can feel safe, create, be curious, love, laugh, play, cry or just be yourself.
- your authentic you are always welcome
- you can open up share your desires, thoughts and feelings
- you can experience the feeling of being heard and seen for who you are
- you get inspiration to see your own power, manifest your dreams and reach your goals
- you can mirror you leadership in other intuitive leaders
- you can find and increased acceptance of others and yourself
...then sistership circle is something for you
Circles are stronger than ever right now. I see them forming everywhere. From Sheryl
Sandberg‘s Lean In Circles to Sistership Circles to Wisdom Circles, the movement has caught wildfire.
Women are craving connection — tired of social norms of isolation, doing it on
your own, being the lone wolf. Women are seeking community support to build
businesses, develop meaningful friendships that are more than skin deep, and a
place to rediscover their authentic selves.
Now we are launching SisterShip circle in Sweden in Knivsta south of Uppsala with a Sistership Launch party March 10. More information about the even and the speakers here https://aliveleadership.lpages.co/sistershipcircle-mars-2018/ ( in Swedish)