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What we’re about

This meetup is strictly for use by members of the Sitzundjibers Social Club (Sitz).  

SitzSpur has been created to allow members to announce last minute events or get-togethers.  These could be a night out at a club, a ballgame, burger night, etc.  We've recognized that the Bulletin Board on the Sitz site is limited in use and views, and doesn't generate e-mails, so this may remedy that to some degree.  It also recognizes that e-mails to many, but not all, Sitz members may cause some to feel left out, though it is not the intent of the organizers who encourage it to be passed on.  

There is no requirement for a Sitz member to join SitzSpur or use it.  Sitz members are certainly free to invite only friends, Sitz or otherwise, to their events whether via e-mail or otherwise.  SitzSpur just gives members an opportunity to reach all SitzSpur members if they wish.  

Upon joining SitzSpur, you will be made an Event Organizer which gives you the ability to create events.  The functionality is fairly straightforward but should you have questions which can't be answered via the Help section, you can seek assistance from the Organizer.   You may also want to tailor your "notifications" settings to the types of notifications you wish to receive.   So, give it a try.  

Some guidelines for use, however:

 1. Postings should not conflict with a posted Sitz event (e.g., within four hours) .  A Sunday evening burger or dance night, would not conflict with a Sunday morning Sitz brunch.) 

2. Similarly, conflicting event suggestions on SitzSpur are not encouraged, but this will be left to judgment and courtesy depending on the intended audience, locale, etc. 

3. Postings should be limited to events within the next 10 days.  This is largely to allow that planned, and not yet posted, Sitz events aren't conflicted with.

We will see how it goes.

Group links