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What we’re about

Hello and Welcome to this fun Skipton Meet Up Group
We are a lively group of locals who enjoy socialising. Every week new people join, all are welcome. If you want to expand your circle of friends then this is a great place to start. 
Events might include meals out, theatre trips, cinema, pub quizzes, dancing, day trips, festivals, games nights, garden visits, walking, cake and coffee get togethers, craft events, book reviews and the like... In October 2022 we celebrated our 1,000th event!
Membership is just £4.90 per year to cover Meet-up costs or choose to pay £1 per event attended. Obviously costs for entry to venues, to take part in paid activities, drinks, food, tickets, etc are the responsibility of those attending. We have a Club bank account into which you can pay a subscription. Thank you.
This local group was set up in 2016 by Gill to help EDTLS Eaters, Drinkers, Talkers and Laughers meet new and existing friends, socialise and attend events in and around the Skipton and Craven area. Doing stuff together is much more fun! A lovely community of folk has grown over this time. I took over hosting in the summer of 2020 and particularly enjoy organising weekly restaurant outings, garden visits, picnics and creative excursions. If you have any ideas for future events or would like to host an event then please get in touch.
We are always looking for people to organise events. The Skipton E.D.T.L. Meet Up is open to people of all ages (over 18 years). 
Come join us
Gina Lazenby
PS If you want to attend a dinner, as these are group bookings, you will see on each event page that we ask for a £5 Dinner Deposit to be paid into the Club bank account. We retain this if you want to keep coming to dinners or refund it if your visit is a one-off.