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What we’re about

Coed. Middle aged (mostly 40s/50s). *Beginner*. Supportive. *No-contact.* Friendly. *Slow pace.* 8am Saturdays. 7v7 max. READ BEFORE JOINING. Limited to 20 *active* members.

This is a niche group. We are mostly 40s/50s/60s. We are silly and deeply unserious. We are a safety first, no-contact group. We play a SLOW game, by design.

We started in 2012. We have a very specific objective, and that is to welcome and encourage *middle-aged beginners*, especially *middle-aged women*. On good days we field close to half women.

This is a TRUE BEGINNER coed group. We are variably unfit, unskilled, out-of-shape, and/or overweight. We are the opposite of intense. We giggle a lot.

- We do not keep score.
- We do not play positions.
- We do not call offsides (in front of the goal is where the best conversations happen!).
- We play a gentle, lazy, meandering game.
- Last goal wins.


Social Soccer is truly social. We have complete conversations on field, while playing. It's encouraged. (We once spent a whole game discussing yacht rock between passes. One lady does yoga in goal.) Distracting the goalie with chatter is supported.

We play a SLOW, gentle, small-sided game (3v3 to 7v7). We are not intense, competitive, or aggressive. We are low effort, low energy, low skill.

This group is for the sedentary crowd who hate the gym and don't jog, but for whom walking is never going to cut it. This is camouflaged exercise.

We are looking for people (not players) who understand the objective and will be a good fit, in terms of both skill and attitude/outlook.

If you have ball-handling skills, *every* *other* *soccer* *Meetup* *is* *for* *you*. You will be redirected.

*We are injury averse.* Our primary objective is to go home in exactly the same condition we arrived in. We do not kick each other, we very rarely step on or run into each other, and we do not do any of the shoulder-to-shoulder BS. Obviously there is no sliding, and the goalie gets a safety bubble.

We welcome and support n00bs. This is a safe place to be an absolute novice. This is not a club, a team, or a league. There is no strategizing. We don't keep score. We play terribly, and we don't care.

We pass to whoever is open, no matter what the outcome is likely to be.

We have a "no coaching" policy. You can be terrible, free of judgment. You won't get anyone trying to teach you how to play better (unless you ask).

Slow pace. Social Soccer is intentionally a very SLOW game on a small field. We are only getting older and slower. We take a lot of breaks, make a lot of jokes, and sometimes eat donuts at halftime, if our blood sugar allows. ;)

We make accommodations:
- Throw the ball in however you need to.
- Move the ball in on corners if you need to.

- We encourage conversations on field.
- There is no instruction, no coaching, no strategy, etc.
- We play a passing game, and involve everyone.
- We rarely call a handball.
- We rotate goalie, everyone takes a turn.
- Don't be a ballhog. Pass to the open player no matter the likely outcome.
- No one plays offense or defense the whole game, we take turns.
- Play safely. Be considerate. Don't be intense or aggro.
- Accuracy is overrated.
- Need a break? Be goalie or play defense.

- We stay upright.
- Save yourself. Turn your back, block your face, run away. Always safety first!
- There is no shoulder-to-shoulder stuff. None.
- There is no sliding.
- There is no shirt grabbing, pushing, straight-arming, etc.
- There is virtually no contact!
- We take plenty of breaks. It isn't a real game.
- We give each other space to avoid collisions.
- No fireballs at the goalie.
- No high kicks. No reckless play.
- Don't scare people by coming up fast from behind, especially from blind spots.
- Goalie safety bubble.
- We do not do contested headers. (Truthfully, no one really does headers.)

- No, your BFF/partner/cousin/colleague etc. can't join. Long story.
- We play minimum 6, maximum 14. Optimal is 10-12.
- Members only.
- This is a no-flake group.
- It's a 3 strikes group.
- Last-minute cancellations (LMCs) are the same as flaking.
- There are no walk-ons.
- There are no guests.
- We RSVP and we show up. We do not show up with no RSVP (you won't play).

This group is curated and highly regulated. There are a lot of rules because stuff has happened to necessitate the rules. Remember, we've existed since 2012.

This is not a soccer group as most think of it. This group doesn't include soccer as a listed topic, because we are not looking for soccer players. Please understand this.

Ladies, you will not be run into, run over, or run by. No egos, no aggression. We pass to everyone. You will always be included.

We are particularly looking for new players over 40 who have felt overwhelmed in other groups. We are slow, unskilled, and unambitious, and probably more your speed.

Why is this group limited to 20? We play max 14 and we have a lot of regulars. We don't need to have hundreds of non-playing members. Plus, game day waiting lists suck for everyone.

We are really looking for people who understand the niche we serve and are a good match physically and philosophically. This is vitally important. We strive hard to create a safe and supportive environment for middle-aged non-players.

Commitment: We’re a small group looking for **participants and not placeholders**. We expect you to play at least once a month. If you fall dormant and you haven't communicated why, you'll be removed after 8 weeks.

Location and time: We play Saturday mornings in the University City/North Clairemont area.

Grace period: New members who don’t play within 6 weeks of being accepted will be removed. (You’re motivated to join, be motivated to play!) New joins who came out once, but don't come out again will be removed after 8 weeks. A 1-strike rule is enforced for first-time flakes.

Three Strikes: This is a no-flake group. If you sign up, show up. Do not show up if you didn't sign up. Three strikes = removal. A new join who flakes on first sign up gets only the one chance.

The primary objective of Social Soccer is to have fun, make friends, and get yourself moving.

Bring water, sunscreen, a hat, and bring both a dark and a light shirt so we can have clearly defined teams.

Please note that there is inherent risk in any sport, recreational soccer included. Every reasonable effort will be made to prevent injury, such as discouraging reckless play and forbidding sliding tackles, but accidents and injuries may occur.

By registering for this Meetup and/or attending and participating in any scheduled event, I (and any guests I bring) agree that:

This event can be dangerous and cause serious bodily injury or even death. The organizers of this group and its members, as well as its sponsors, supporters, and affiliates, will not be held responsible for the actions of any participant at any event. I HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT. I FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS. I UNDERSTAND THERE IS AN ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND I HEREBY RELEASE FROM ALL LIABILITY, CLAIMS, DEMANDS, LOSSES, OR DAMAGES IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ALL THE MEMBERS, AFFILIATES, SPONSORS, AND ORGANIZERS OF THIS GROUP.