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What we’re about

Hello and welcome to Socially Anxious to Socially Awesome!

This is a group for those who would like to take action against social anxiety and shyness by gradually easing yourself out of your comfort zone.

The aim is to run weekly online get-togethers where we can practise all sorts of social and behavioural activities to work towards putting social anxiety in its place for good.

As a fellow social anxiety sufferer, I've found groups like this to be extremely helpful towards my recovery.

I believe that with enough practice social anxiety can become a thing of the past and no longer rule your life.

Please note: This isn't a social anxiety support or therapy group where we come to talk about our problems. There are other excellent groups out there already for that. The aim of each session is to give you the opportunity to develop your confidence in social situations through practise.

Upcoming events (4+)

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