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Python Crash Course Mob: Chapter 4

Photo of David L. Willson
Hosted By
David L. W. and Stone
Python Crash Course Mob: Chapter 4


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Ahoy matey! Welcome to the Python Crash Course mob! If ye be ready to dive into the world of Python, hoist the sails and join us on this coding adventure! Arrr!

In the world of programming mobs, a crew of scallywags gather 'round to tackle coding challenges together. Instead of sailin' solo, each member takes turns as the ship's driver, steering the code ship through treacherous waters. The crew be workin' together to improve the code, just like a pirate crew workin' together to find buried treasure. When the code be shipshape and ready to set sail, the crew moves on to the next challenge. And remember, in a programming mob, it be all hands on deck, savvy? So gather yer crew, hoist the Jolly Roger, and set sail on the high seas of code! Arrr!

pirate_voice_by_ecosia_chat = false

This will be hard fun. We will do the exercises in Python Crash Course, 3rd Edition as a mob. To join in, do the following:

  1. Buy the book from No Starch Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or wherever you like.
  2. Read Chapters 1 through 3 and do the exercises. When we meet, we will start mobbing at chapter 4 exercise 4-1.
  3. Join the SFS Mattermost Python Channel for async communication.
  4. Join this meeting on time.
  5. Give an encouraging gift to SFS.

During the meeting, we will do the exercises as a mob:

  1. We will randomly choose a driver from those who have driven least.
  2. The driver may load their solution to the exercise, if they have one.
  3. The driver will share the screen on which they will do the writing and testing of the solution.
  4. The mob will work together to create or improve the solution.
  5. When everyone understands the solution and is satisfied with it, we'll move on to the next exercise.

When we run out of time, we will:

  1. Ask learners to give an encouraging gift to SFS.
  2. Schedule the next mob session with those who wish to continue.
Photo of Software Freedom School in Denver group
Software Freedom School in Denver
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