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What we’re about

Vamos compartilhar nossa paixão por programação, promover com orgulho nossos valores, melhorar cada vez mais em nosso ofício, e contribuir para elevar o nível da indústria de software juntos!

Como Sandro Mancuso disse no seu livro - The Software Craftsman PROFESSIONALISM, PRAGMATISM, PRIDE:

"Professionalism, technical excellence, and customer satisfaction are the main focus of Software Craftsmanship.
Software Craftsmanship is a mindset— a lifestyle that many professional developers adopt. Software craftsmen live and breathe software. They see software as a craft and are committed to do whatever they can to master their craft.
Satisfying and helping our customers to achieve what they want to achieve, in the most efficient way, is our main goal. Sharing our knowledge with less- experienced software craftsmen is our moral obligation.
The real mission of a software craftsperson is to make a contribution to raise the bar of the software industry, with professionalism, passion, and care.
Being a software craftsperson is far more than writing well- crafted code or being a software developer. It’s a lifestyle— a commitment to excellence. Embrace it. Be proud of the role you play in the evolution of our society."

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