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What we’re about

First World Poverty. Dark Money. Prison. War. Drugs. These issues affect all of us, and yet, as a global society, we have failed to find common ground, or to design viable solutions that self-propagate across the world. While there are pockets of success, that success rarely finds its way beyond the edges of the regions where that success originated.

It's time to fix that. This group is focused on the mission of solving large problems once and for all, through strategic and self-propogating (i.e. "viral") methods. We embrace the notion that through transparency grows accountability, and ultimately action. We believe that all it takes to create change is to want it enough, and we are not content to settle for less.

When you join, you will become a part of an elite team of individuals focused entirely on finally ending the largest problems that humanity has never yet solved. We have three areas of interest in which you can participate:

1. Health and Safety
2. Laws and Security
3. Liberty, Legacy and Longevity

Each interest group has a dual focus of finding and implementing scaleable solutions to resolve issues in the target area, while minimizing the risk of long-term negative effects in all areas. This balance of ends and means is rooted in the mission of solving large problems once and for all. No "quick fixes" that are ultimately unsustainable.

We meet once monthly, and cover each area of interest for four months, thus cyclng through all areas of interest once in a year. We provide a guest speaker from a field related to the current topic for the first three meetings of each area of interest. Each speaker will present around one issue related to the area of interest, and is encouraged to provide or suggest relevant materials. After the presentation in each meeting, we facilitate a discussion around the topic, and break out into working groups focused on finding solutions for the issue at hand. You are encouraged to participate in discussions with your working group online for the remainder of the month until the next meeting. On the last month of each set of four meetings, we review the solutions from each working group, and vote on the most viable solutions. Finally, we agree on action items for each participant.

Interested? Join us.

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