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What we’re about

Songwriters of the world, let’s...

Get together, perform our songs & collaborate on-line and in person at open mics in and around London & wherever you live

Get better by doing it - get a feel for how good your song & performance is from how it goes down

Get writing - write a new song for next month’s show, or bring a half finished idea to get feedback and direction if it's not writing itself

Get collaborating - they say good songs are written but great songs are co-written. Get co-writing with us, your community. Our community is now forging new & surprising partnerships - it's the best fun you can imagine to collaborate with you'd never come across in your day-day life. Get connected. Get your name on our collaboration register & you'll see 🍀

Get your name down – check the next virtual sessions and lookout for the next face-face session. Even if you aren’t playing, get your name down anyway - come and support your community, check out the talent, give feedback, have a chat

Get a song on Soundcloud, Spotify, Youtube, Facebook etc, put a link to it on our showcase register and we’ll feature it on a dedicated public play list

Don't get why we're called 'Songwriters Unplugged Night'? The original idea was to get 15 songwriters together in the function room of a London pub and play our songs to each other in the round once a month. We're working our way up to that with regular online sessions, piggy-backing on existing open mics, and we'll have our own evening in a lovely London pub before your new album is released, so we're keeping the SUN name & we'll grow into it

PS this isn’t a commercial venture, just self-help & making our own entertainment - so come on...

Get involved - join the world's top 536 active songwriters here at SUN. Do it today!

Upcoming events (2)

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