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What we’re about

We are committed to creating a community of support for smart, successful Women Overgivers & Overachievers like you to finally attract and enjoy the incredible soulmate relationship you deserve.

*** Most of our events are now fully online ***

Welcome to our incredible sisterhood of smart, conscious female Professionals & Entrepreneurs looking to have soulmate breakthroughs in these areas:


  • Soulmate Attraction secrets : What men really want & need in relationships to be happy
  • 10x your Attraction Power: Shift anxious scarcity to joyful abundance in love & dating
  • Unlock the 5 deceptive Dating traps so you can finally:
  • STOP attracting boys and projects, who need you or players that want to use you
  • START attracting the high-caliber, soulmate-worthy Mr. Rights that can meet, hold and partner you


  • Ditch the heartache, self-sacrifice and rejection of dating Mr. Wrongs
  • Identify your soulmate-worthy Mr. Right and discover where to find him
  • Choose partners who actually have what you need and are ready for love


  • Soulmate Attraction secrets : What men really want and need in relationships
  • Pass a man’s secret high value woman test and be cherished like you deserve
  • Inspire men to bring you their best rather than table scraps
  • Make dating a fun path of personal development & discovery as you create your happily ever after.
  • Unlock the true power and beauty of fulfilling intimate soulmate relationships.

CONNECT: with a supportive community of fellow successful female Overgivers & Overachievers, who are committed to creating and enjoying incredible soulmate relationships.

We host the following types of events:

  • Fun educational events with practical knowledge and insights that really work to provide dating, confidence and relationship breakthroughs
  • Networking and Social Events to connect with an incredible community.

... And so much more.

Please join our group ASAP!

Let’s make this the year where you finally enjoy the soulmate relationship you deserve,

Cassandra de la Thea, Organizer