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What we’re about

We are experiencing a shift in consciousness in our world that many of us feel strongly.

You may long for a way to connect with your true, inner self and your soul purpose, or to learn and connect with other like-minded people and create a path forward together.

This group is created by my, Rachel Horton White of Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting. Many of the offerings here are related to my work in intuitive coaching, hypnotherapy, Akashic Records readings, regressions (past life and life-between-life) and all things metaphysical.

Whoever you are, when we come together, we explore ideas around:
How can you find alignment, purpose and true meaning in your life? How can you manifest your long-held desires in life (and why hasn't it been working so far)? What "blocks" do you have and how can you move past them?

And then.. we might explore questions like: How can we support each other in this massive shift in consciousness as awakening souls? How we can activate our intuition and clear away shadows of Ego?

You are welcome to invite another like-minded soul that you think is resonating on this similar frequency!

Upcoming events (4+)

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