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What we’re about

You are invited to join us on a Sound Healing Journey.

Gift yourself the time and space to disconnect from the stress and worries of daily life.

Deep relaxation is the most significant benefit of sound healing, followed by its energetic deep tissue massage effect caused by the sound vibrations that open, clear, and balance the chakras, whilst releasing stuck energy.

Ultimately, a sound bath supports our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, leaving us feeling balanced and refreshed.

Everyone's experience is different, and new things may emerge in each sound journey session. Most people feel very relaxed and peaceful during sound healing, often falling asleep, whereas some have visualisations, receive downloads, or even have emotional breakthroughs.

Julia plays different instruments such as Medicine drum, wind gong, Crystal singing bowls (8) , tibetan singing bowls, chimes, harmonic whirlies and rain stick.

Julia has also completed a Level 2 Diploma in Sound Healing for Groups through the Sound Healing Academy UK.