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New Meetup: Spanish Meetup at Denim Cafe, South Bank - 7:00 pm Wednesday 24 November 2010

From: Anthony B.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 16, 2010, 5:05 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Brisbane Spanish Language Meetup Group!

What: Spanish Meetup at Denim Cafe, South Bank - 7:00 pm Wednesday 24 November 2010

When: Wednesday, November 24,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Denim cafe
Little Stanley Street Southbank
Brisbane, QL

Hola a todos!

The next Meetup will be at 7:00 pm on Wednesday 24 November at Denim Cafe South Bank. They serve yummy cakes and good coffee there and it's also a nice quiet atmosphere for easy talking and listening.

* Please wear something RED so that other members can identify the group.

It will be a great Meetup!

Kind regards and take care.

Anthony :)

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