What we’re about
Welcome to SpeakEasy Spiritual Community. We are happy you found your way here to our global virtual community. We honor all paths to God and ask that you don’t check your brains, beliefs or background at the door. We welcome questions and celebrate diversity. We are not affiliated with any organized church. We are not interested in creating another religion, we are interested in learning how to love more and fear less. We believe in the healing nature of creativity and laughter.
Love is our religion, care is our currency and peace is our goal.
We would love to have you join us at our virtual Sunday morning service from 10:30am - 11:30am CST on Zoom. We gather for meditation, prayer, inspiration, conversation and music from national & international artists.
Register HERE to receive the Zoom link for our Sunday gathering.
Or check out our other events from yoga, meditation groups, storytelling and more free/love donation events at: [https://speakeasyspiritualcommunity.com](https://speakeasyspiritualcommunity.com)
Come and add your voice.
— Maureen Muldoon, Spiritual Director