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What we’re about

This group is for people who are looking for in depth thraining and classes for healing and transformation. Some of the classes will be focused on ego and shadow work as well as accessing the light in you and around you for transformation. If you are looking for Shamanic work this is the place for you. I'll be teaching the various traditions such as Celtic, Peruvian, and S.African. The meditations will be offered for people who have done some deep work alredy and who are looking to go farther into themselves. These meditations will not be regular meditations with instruction, but more of introducing you to diffeenert energies and archetypes. You will be exposed to the 4 directions and also connected deeper to the Earth and Great Spirit. I am organizing this meet up for those who are really seeking a deeper connection and advanced training. I look forward to meeting you and "running" with you on this journey! I say running because things are moving really fast! Energy moves quickly and we can heal quickly as well. Are you ready?