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What we’re about

A Meditation group for Spiritualists and the like.

This isn’t a group to ‘make mediums’ but in working on meditation hopefully it will create the right environment to encourage the natural Spiritual MEDIUM within to grow and to develop.

Relaxation And Developing A Deeper Awareness is the principle aim.

Much of the time in this group will be focused purely on MEDITATION and some of the time will be focused on Creative Expression and Self/Personal Development which will support the natural Clairvoyant and other ‘Clair’ abilities.

Benefits will include creating a network of support and opportunity for those wishing to progress their working mediumship skills for dems and private sittings.

The Rules- be nice, no alcohol, no drugs and respect the person development in yourself and others.

For many group sittings a space will need to be secured prior to the workshop commencing.