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What we’re about

Welcome to Spiritual Women of ROC

We are a diverse group of women with a shared interest in spiritual development, healing, personal growth, and connection with other like minded women. Do you listen to your intuition, feel energies, believe in chakras & grounding, see or speak to spirits, or just searching for your life's purpose ?
Then this group is for you.
Our aim is to create a supportive and empowering space where we can explore, express and deepen our spiritual journey together.
Whether you are new to these concepts or have been practicing for years… All are welcomed.

Sisterhood form Unity in:

  • Discussions
  • Healing Circles
  • Hiking in Nature
  • Yoga & Meditation
  • Support & Empowerment of Women (sisterhood)
  • Speaking Positive Affirmations
  • Connection to Higher Self
  • Manifesting & Release work
  • Day Trips
  • & more

Little info on me:
Mediums/lightworkers run in my family, usually the women.
My grandmother was well known in her country for her gift of healing and speaking to spirits. I remember as a young child, she would have many clients visit her home and upon leaving some of her guests would stop to hold my hand and look at me with tears. No idea at such a young age why they did that in my presence. Still to this day, it puzzles me.
I also have a memory of having a magical experience with butterflies (why I have them tattooed on my back) That day my grandmother knew I was next to have the gift. She gave me tarot cards at 7 years old and told me to trust spirits and listen because they will guide me and protect me.
In my 20s, I rejected my gift and ignored it for many years. I wanted to be “normal”. It actually went away and remained silent.

Then I moved to Rochester in my 40s, went into a shop and bam spirit came back!!! It wanted me to help out a little girl experiencing grief. I went up to the little girl and gave her the message from her aunt that recently passed. I couldn’t ignore it anymore. It is who I am :)

Being In ROC has been a spiritual awakening and healing journey for me….
I live in gratitude each day. My purpose here in Rochester is be a light to others
Can't wait to meet all of you. Namaste 🙏🏼

- T 🦋

Video of the Month
Next Discussion Topic! Dating & Love
The need to speak about this is sooo important in our spiritual health!

Upcoming events (4+)

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