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What we’re about

Meet other locals to socialize and make new friends. Whether you are a couple, single, or some other combination it doesn't matter.

Get off of the couch, get out of the house, and get out there.

Whether you are new to the area or have lived here all your life... If you need some new energy and new people in your life, This is the place to find it.

Our Meetups are an outlet for the desire to go places, see things, and be involved with life- just not alone.

We ask that members become involved by attending events and respect members and organizers. We do also charge a $10 annual membership annually to help Meghan pay for our Meetup Group. Members are welcome to add/suggest meetups!  br> <br> You must read our FAQ's before membership will be approved you can find it here in our discussion forum. 

We are: men and women, who enjoy socializing throughout the Spokane and Coeur D’ Alene area. We are married and single, rich or poor, fat or thin, shy or outgoing, young and old, new to the area or never been away from here. Some of us have a few drinks, some are teetotalers. We are united in our wish to enjoy life and experience as much of it as we can.