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What we’re about

Hello! Have you heard of spoonies? The term has its origins in Christine Miserandio's explanation of what it's like to live with unusually limited energy, in which she uses spoons as a unit of personal energy which must be carefully allotted and mindfully used. Loosely speaking, spoonies is a term which refers to people with chronic (and often invisible) health issues. It can be challenging to socialize when you have a chronic illness--flexibility is key, a place to rest is important, frequent last minute cancellations might be necessary, dietary needs can be an obstacle. And those considerations are just off the top of my head. Although relationships with all kinds of people are possible and healthy, it's also a relief to spend time with people who understand. We thought it would be nice to see if we could find other people and families in Santa Cruz (or nearby) for spoonie friendly activities and get-togethers--board games, movies, crafts--whatever seems accessible and fun.  Hope to meet you!