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Re: [sps-meetup] Web Gallery Hosting

From: user 1.
Sent on: Friday, April 5, 2013, 7:05 AM
Ken & Kannon,
thanks for all the in put. I just recently went through a stay or go between smug mug and Zenfolio and stayed with smug mug as The time to switch after 2 years seemed arduous at best......think I will be starting to transition over sooner to zen as I liked the layouts better than smug........oh well
Glad I'm at least up  running. I will say this that the smug folks have always been fast on any questions I have. and it is easy for me to down load pictures of my primary business (custom cabinets) to smug that then is linked to my other company's web sight......Haave a great shoot in St Augustine!
All the best.

J. David Di Cristina
Timberland Cabinets
Sent from my iPad

On Apr 4, 2013, at 9:24 PM, Ken Ross <[address removed]> wrote:

That’s a tough one right now – there aren’t many services that have pricing structures that are “friendly” to the sort of volume we tend to produce and even if the pricing works for you, there can be a huge overhead in getting that first backup uploaded. For example, I looked seriously into using Carbonite [not just because the name is cool] but once I did some testing and talked with the owner, I realized that it would take nearly two months of continuous uploading to get my initial 50,000 RAW files up there! After that it would be fairly manageable, taking from 10-24hrs for each shoot to upload (depending on the number of images involved).


So, right now I’m in the same boat you are; I have multiple redundancies at home but if the house burns down I’m toast. I’ve been considering adding a weekly rotation to the mix where I’d take yet another external drive [or two] and once a week sync it to my backup and then take that drive off-site to another office. It’s not ideal but at least I’d only lose a week as a worse case and that’s significantly better than losing 5 or 6 yrs of original images.





From: Kannan [mailto:[address removed]]
Sent: Thursday, April 04,[masked]:12 PM
To: Ken Ross
Cc: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [sps-meetup] Web Gallery Hosting




Thanks for the very useful info. I'm also looking for cost effective way of online backup solutions for the RAW files. How do you do it? I do have redundant backups at home but that won't be as good as online backup. rgds,




On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:02 PM, Ken Ross <[address removed]> wrote:

I don't generally send out an supporting a particular vendor like this but it seems I've had a lot of questions lately about how/where to setup a photography website and since I've tried a few and recently settled on a new host that I really like I thought it would be generally informative [and save me sending out quite so many individual answers].


I often considered creating a site from scratch and just hosting it on GoDaddy or similar location and I also looked into basing the site on the popular blog system Word Press (there are plenty of free and commercial templates to create a very nice Word Press "photo blog" site). The thing is though, I really didn't want to be spending time doing maintenance on the site per se - I wanted to be able to easily get the look I wanted without complicated tweaking or "coding" and above all else I wanted it to be very fast and easy to create and maintain photo galleries from pretty much anywhere.


Those were the general criteria and I found several photography-specific hosts that could offer me that for a reasonable rate (PhotoBiz, Zenfolio, SmugMug, etc.). However, I also had some other more specific needs that helped narrow things down. Because I do event photography from time-to-time, often with other shooters, I needed to be able to setup galleries where I could invite other photographers to contribute their images (securely). I also needed to be able to hide and/or password protect some of those galleries from the general public. In addition, I needed to have an integrated eCommerce system that would let me setup custom price lists (sometimes per-event) and sell a variety of prints and products based on my images, preferably without me having to be in the middle unless I wanted to personally handle a special order.


Long story short, based on that criteria it came down to Zenfolio or SmugMug so I tried them both out for a couple months with different real-world projects and in the end I settled on Zenfolio.


For a fraction of what SmugMug would charge, Zenfolio gave me everything I asked for and was FAR less complicated to setup and configure (especially when it came to those shared galleries). I even found an [almost] free plug-in for Lightroom that lets me create and manage my gallery contents entirely within Lightroom - it's a lot like setting up collections where each Zenfolio "collection" represents a gallery on my website and if I drag a photo into that collection in Lightroom (and press "publish") it's immediately uploaded to my site with all the appropriate settings in place. Super easy!


Some of the other features Zenfolio offers are:
• Unlimited storage for your photos and videos
• A variety of layouts and designs including creating your own completely custom designs that you can edit without any knowledge of coding
• Support for photos *and* video
• A very easy to use and intuitive interface
• Full screen Slideshows with music if you like (50 free songs are included from Triple-Scoop Music)
• Ability to link to many image sizes and share your photos and videos on Facebook and Twitter directly from your account. This way, you upload full-res files only once and share them any way you like.

• Automatically show images with a watermark (text or your logo)

• Mobile friendly - your site will look just fine on smart phones and tablets


In terms of cost it's about $120/yr which is less than I was paying PhotoBiz without ANY of the eCommerce or shared gallery features, and WAY less than a comparable SmugMug account. I really couldn't recommend them more strongly (did I mention outstanding support?) and if you do sign up you can use my referral code (FV1-BFV-F3Y) to get 10% off (yes, I'll get a little credit thanks).


They also offer a 2-week trial if you just want to kick the tires before committing. Check out my site at to see one version of what you might setup for yourself - if you poke around the galleries try out the slide show and you'll get an idea of the music quality (I only elected to have music during the slide shows but you can have it play on your home page if you're so inclined).


Zenfolio is at


If you have any questions please feel free to ask.




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