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Peachtree Camera at April 4 SPS Meeting

From: Mike B.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 25, 2014, 4:33 PM

All, Tim McEver from Peachtree Camera Repair will be at our April 4th SPS Meeting and is offering digital sensor cleaning/outside body cleaning (includes cleaning of 3 lenses) for $30 (regularly $40) and also is offering to do lens micro-adjustments for $10 per lens (if you did not know this, many digital cameras* can be programmed to compensate for aberrations in individual lens, providing a sharper focus).


I used to think that just the electronic cleaning, plus an air puffer, plus swabs was enough, but have learned otherwise have Peachtree clean my sensors once or twice a year, so this is a great opportunity.


They should be at the church around 6:30, but give them time to set up…


*     Nikon:  D300, D300s, D700, D3, D3s, D3x, D4, D4s, D600, D610, D800, D800E, D7000, D7100

Canon: 1D mark III, 1Ds mark III, 1DX, 5D mark II, 5D mark III, 6D, 7D

Sony: A77




SPS Logo8a 

Mike Boatright, President. Southeastern Photographic Society

[address removed]





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