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What we’re about

A Great Tradition of SriVidya is being followed by many spiritual seekers and very few Learned people / Gurus are there to help them, Always there are numerous question with the seekers of SriVidya Tradition and Do's and Dont's to be followed in their path, One can attain anything she / he wants through SriVidya if done & & Followed Properly without doubts in their mind. We are here to help those who are seeking guidance and make themselves great living beings who love one and all. This is the only ancient Tradition which has given Equal Rights and Responsibilities to Women and Men; infact many a times Women have done far exceedingly higher achievements them men, one small example is Sage Agastya Maharshi initially become the Guru of Sri LopaMudra Devi who is his wife and after severe Spiritual practice she discovered secrets which Sage Agastya did not knew and Sri Lopa Mudra Devi taught them to Agastya maharshi and she became his Guru. Such a wonderful concept and Tradition.

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