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What we’re about

During this event we will analyze different business ideas that attendees can send in advance. Not only will we divide the idea in different necessary steps so you can go home with everything you actually need to start it. We will also reserve some time to get feedback from the audience.

Since this event targets innovative individuals/groups with or without experience, it will result in extremely valuable information for all discussed ideas. The first step in pursuing your business is defining a need. This does not necessarily mean that a real pain point is necessary, although most people will say so (Lesson 1: taking action is all that matters). Although an easy to use solution for a very specific need/problem/opportunity has the same odds to succeed. A lot of people will argue that there is no real problem.

In addition to this, receiving the opportunity to validate you solution with the public is even more valuable. Even if the public is not your market (or potential target customer), don't underestimate the value of connections. Assume that there will be at least three to four individuals that either know someone or know about what they are talking. These opinions, from colleague business owners, are even more valuable because they know how important honesty is. (Lesson 2: listen carefully to what is said and apply it to what you already know). Most of the people are not aware of their own problems/feelings.

This event should be an interactive learning lesson to help you save 10k that you would normally spend on a business school. Ideally, attendees send in their business ideas/cases/problems in advance and we will discuss them during the event (of course with the needed learnings and fun). The host (ironically enough, ex Vlerick & Antwerp Management School) will make sure to prepare different business cases and work them out from 0-10 if there is not enough input.

Share your ideas here: in a couple of days, I'll add a form that everyone can fill in.

Little gift: if the public does not have enough ideas, and I present one of my own. Feel free to steal it, develop it and crush it ;)

The ultimate goal of this event is to bring together a motivated community that we an leverage to launch multiple business in a couple of months. (Lesson 3: surround yourself with the right people).

I look forward to see you on the event.

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