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What we’re about

You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I’ll rise! - Maya Angelou 

Welcome To  Start Up Canada Meet Up and Kind Salutations. 

Mission Statement: 

We are a community of social entrepreneurs willing, able and committed to explore ways to grow, contribute and make a positive impact. 

We know that we cannot do it by ourself and we are committed to building ourself, building our business and building community that will " be the change that we want to see. "

We will pay it forward with our talents, skills and kindness. 

We experiment, explore and express our emotions in a respectful, mindful and curious manner. 

We honour you and we invite you to honour yourself as the  amazing miracle that you are. 

This is our community to grow, nurture and develop. 

I invite you to ask, engage and share your gifts, talents and genuineness. 

Next Step - Joining the group is FREE, Simple and One click away -- click on the "Join Us"  below and we'll have you attending some fun, engaging, and information events in a heart beat. 

Invitation - Start Up Canada Community 

Join us for an upcoming event or check out some of past events or video's of our collaborations over the past six months including over 12 New Posts Since COVID 19. 

Since launching this group, we have been guided to share about 

1) The Grief Process and there are now several youtube videos and conversations about the grieving process from the male perspective, the female perspective and the humane perspective. We are open to more dialogue and sessions on Mental Wellness, Energetic Healing and Elderly Care. 

2) Financial Fitness - interested to learn about investing, financial literacy, and about your relationship with money. There are now videos for Baby Boomers, Millennials and opportunities to share content, host or co-host sessions and collaborate on nurturing healthy relationships with abundance. 

3) Social Entrepreneurship and Skills Development for social entrepreneurs. We have been hosting and collaborating with change makers, thought leaders and entrepreneurs in Manila, India, Malaysia, South Africa and Singapore as well as aspiring youth and elderly entrepreneurs coast to coast. 

If you like check out a video on learning and entrepreneurship please visi  with one of South Africa's leading speakers and educators Mr Billy Selekane on youtube at continualshift or connect with 20 something local entrepreneur Anish Varma on his new podcast at shaduplistenuppodcast or with the inspiring Bruce Outridge at cashinginoncreativity podcast or connect with me to explore possibilities to connect, collaborate, and contribute. 

Who Should Join?

- social entrepreneurs looking to make a positive impact 

- people who are challenged by the recent changes in life and looking to be part of a community of GO GIVERS (rather than go getters) 

OR you might be an 
- employee considering starting a business
- solo-preneurs looking to transition into a life as an entrepreneur
- youths exploring life as a business owner
- seniors consider a new revenue stream, new business or business gigs
- aspiring digital-preneurs, author-preneurs, investor-preneurs or speaker-preneurs
- interested in turning a hobby into a business
- inviting baby boomers, curious seekers, and aspiring entrepreneurs to embrace their inner coaching journey and explore ways to develop competence and confidence in delivering measurable results in relationships, wellness, spirituality, work-life balance, and communication.


When I co-founded the KICKSTART Business Community in Malaysia in July 2012, we were aggressively looking for ways to build our community. 

It's a scary thing for me to commit to new meet up group in Brampton, and while it might be scary or exciting or overwhelming for you to start a business, we invite you to join this community, look to add value, explore ways to start selling a service, product or idea and, ultimately, move forward with your dreams business, enterprise or project but mostly looking to SHOW UP, STEP UP and GIVE BACK. 

“ If you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be” Maya Angelou