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Find a Co-Founder, Help or Join a Tech Startup

Photo of Matt
Hosted By
Matt and Robert M.
Find a Co-Founder, Help or Join a Tech Startup


Startup Oasis Live

If you are a startup founder, developer, UX designer, marketer, or anyone else in the tech ecosystem looking to start, join, or help a tech startup, this event is for you!

Startup founders pitch their business or concept to the audience, then those in the audience that want to join or workshop the idea raise their hand. From there the new group join their own breakout room to continue building, workshopping, and/or onboarding the startup.

If you are a Founder and you come away with teammates, DO NOT LET IT GO TO WASTE. This windfall of resources may change your perspective, but remember you were just in the desert, trying to find human capital. Schedule weekly benchmark calls, keep them excited about the vision, be open to input, and celebrate small wins.

This is a brand-new type of structure that has never existed before, and there is so much direct value for all parties.

Once on Discord, look for the Startup Oasis category on the left for the Startup Oasis Live channel for attending the event.

3:00pm – 3:10pm EST
While we wait for people to trickle in, we introduce ourselves personally and go to every attendee and chat with them, getting to know them and what they are looking for.

3:10pm - 3:30pm EST
The 3-minute pitches have no Q&A- any questions can be asked in the breakouts and people can move to different breakouts after some time.

3:30pm – onward
The breakouts are free-form and participation depends on whatever the parties involved is ready to commit to or contribute, and that is all that is expected. If they just want to workshop it, that’s fine. Onboarding and building live is better, but don’t feel forced.

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