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What we’re about

(Please scroll down for the English version)

Die Gesundheitsbranche in Deutschland ist komplex, die Pharmabranche auch. Deshalb veranstalten wir im Rahmen des Pfizer Healthcare Hub Berlin offene Sprech- und Fragestunden für Startups aus dem Bereich Digital Health. 

Experten von Pfizer erklären komplexe Themen der Pharmazeutischen Industrie und stehen für Fragen zur Verfügung: von Heilmittelwerbegesetz über Klinische Studien und Medizinproduktezertifizierung.
Anschließendes Networking inklusive.

English Version:

The healthcare sector in Germany is complex – so is the pharmaceutical industry. That’s why the Pfizer Healthcare Hub organizes the “Start-up Consultation Hours” – open for startups and everyone else interested in the Digital Health sector in order to listen and ask questions related to a specific topic.

Pfizer's experts give insights from the pharmaceutical industry and external experts explain complex topics. From very specific event topics like the “German Drug Advertising Act” to hot topics such as “IoT in Healthcare” – you are welcome to come, ask and connect with our experts, our team and other healthcare innovators and entrepreneurs during the subsequent networking.