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What we’re about

Started in August 2017, our mission is to inspire, empower, and connect entrepreneurs not only among Chinese but beyond. We want to: 

• inspire your passionate entrepreneurship spirit
• empower your brilliant startup idea, and
• connect you with your future reliable partner

We value openness. We provide pragmatic topics. We want to help you succeed!

Startup4Chinese,成立于加拿大多伦多,致力于联结华人创业者与各个族群中的聪明才智,弘扬华人创业者的创业激情,赋予华人创业者更大力量。Startup4Chinese 主张开放心态,锐意开拓进取,注重脚踏实地,让我们一起享受创新、创业的过程。

Please check out our website for more info, and Youtube for past meetups.