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What we’re about

A new business starts with a Business Plan. It seldom thinks about how to operationalize the business plan, what business processes, and standard operating procedures to institutionalize.

Without that clarity, a business often falls for shiny objects around marketing, shopping cart, and invoicing systems which are only a part of the business operations. Or, it picks up disjointed software and services which either have an overlap or leave gaps. The business owner ends up manually driving/operating different parts of the business and thus remains inefficient, unable to scale it.

Whether you are starting a new company, planning to build a new product/service in an existing company, or taking the existing product/service to a new market, you need a well-defined SYSTEM for the overall business operations.

We will announce webinars for this groups to attend and learn how to start and scale a business. You can register for an upcoming webinar by visiting https:/ Stay tuned!

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