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What we’re about

Four week one to one online coaching program to reduce stress and anxiety through trauma-informed yoga, breathwork and other healing practices.

Do you suffer from anxiety?

Do you find it hard to relax?

Have you been feeling stressed out lately?

Are you feeling burnt out?

If the answer is YES to any of these just know  that this is nothing to be ashamed of because many people do and searching for help is the first step in healing and getting yourself back on track .

During these 4 weeks you will learn how to relax deeply. We'll work with trauma-informed yoga, meditation, breathwork and yoga nidra.

The parasympathetic nervous system is part of the body’s autonomic nervous system. Its partner is the sympathetic nervous system, which controls the body’s fight or flight response.

The parasympathetic nervous system controls the body’s ability to relax. It's sometimes called the "rest and digest" state.

Over the four weeks we will be working deeply on helping you heal your nervous system and restore balance..

My 1-1 coaching program is designed to help you if you are struggling from stress, anxiety, or any nervous system imbalance.

It will support you in finding a new way of being: Calm and centered in all situations.

As you learn to consciously relax, in body and mind, and reconnect to who you really are (not your symptoms), you’ll feel empowered in your capacity to create an anxiety-free, joyful life.

Change starts with you but it doesn't start until you do!!!

The ability to manage your stress and anxiety is an important skill to have as they can negatively impact various areas of your life including work, relationships, body functioning and health just to name a few.

When your stress is well managed it’s likely that you don’t think about challenges when they occur, as you are prepared to tackle them emotionally, physically.

Over the four weeks we will CREATE new habits and behaviours in your daily routine.

The more these new ways of acting and thinking are practiced, the easier it will become for you to adopt them as a new way of interacting with the world.

What's In-store for the four week program?

4 live classes Via zoom
8 breathwork and Pranayama practices
Yoga nidra ( rest and restore)
Body scan ( deep relaxation)
Yin yoga ( physical and mental healing )
Reiki ( distance session)
1 month workbook to follow along
Daily inspiration and guidance 
And much more

Each week on a day and time at your convenience, we will meet on zoom to practice a light yoga flow to help you reconnect to your body and I will teach and guide you through different breathing exercises.

You will be given different recorded breathwork exercises to practice in the morning and evening, helping you reset your nervous system and add a feeling of calmness into your life.

This one to one coaching is for anyone who is looking to feel better physically and mentally, with daily guidance.

I only have two spots available for the month of August

If this is something that interests you, you can send me a message and I will share more details about the one to one coaching.

You can find more information about me and my work on Instagram:


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