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What we’re about

Hello from Sunday Assembly Sydney!   

The Sunday Assembly was started in the UK by Sanderson Jones and Pippa Evans, two comedians who discovered they both wanted to do something that was like church (community, volunteering, reflection, joyous carol concerts!) but without religion so it could be inclusive of all — no matter what they believed.  

There are now over 70 assemblies around the world creating inspiring, fun and caring communities, all with a pretty cool motto - Live Better, Help Often and Wonder More!  - so welcome to the Sydney one!

To find out more about The Sunday Assembly movement, have a look here.

What can you expect at an assembly?

Assemblies round the world get together for an hour one or two Sundays of every month and sing awesome pop songs (a bit like the Late Late show's carpool karaoke), hear inspiring talks (a bit like TED), listen to insightful readings, then mingle afterwards and make new friends over tea and cake.   Everyone is encouraged to have fun, be nice and join in!

What's happening at Sunday Assembly Sydney?

There's been a few people asking about the next Sunday Assembly Sydney date. Unfortunately as a committee we have put Assemblies on hold for now. It is not because we don't think it has value, because it does. It is not because we don't enjoy it, because we do!

The reason we are putting Assemblies on hold is because there is only so much energy and financial input we can give by ourselves, and Sunday Assembly is more than we can handle with our young families. If anyone else wants to take on the role of committee then we are happy to share our knowledge and know how. 

Community members are still arranging regular Sunday Assembly Social events which are less demanding from an organisational perspective.  We hope these events keep Sunday Assembly Sydney alive and kicking!

The Philosophy Smoup (small group!) continues, led by Alex and Gavin and some Sunday Assembly Social Smoups are about to kick off. Watch out for them here on Meetup and we hope to see you there! :)

Juliet, Alinta, Jo and James xox

For more info on the Sunday Assembly organisation check out:  

Sunday Assembly's website

If you'd like to learn more about Sunday Assembly Sydney visit: 

Sunday Assembly Sydney's facebook page

Sunday Assembly London's facebook page

Huffington Post hangs out at Yule Rock, Sunday Assembly London, Christmas 2015

Plus where we've been mentioned:

Sydney Morning Herald

Sydney Morning Herald - Good Weekend

ABC news

Upcoming events (1)

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