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What we’re about

Hello and Welcome to the Support Group for Complex-PTSD Survivors - Moorestown, NJ. The mission of our group is to provide a safe, and supportive environment where survivors of serious, long-term childhood abuse** can come to find help in overcoming the effects of suffering from Complex-PTSD. This is going to be a peer led group and we will be using Pete Walker's excellent book, "Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving" as the group's primary reference point. As such, if you plan to attend this group then it is highly recommended you purchase this book prior to the first meeting.

Now once our group gets fully up and running (hopefully by July, 2024) we plan to hold
two meetings each month so that we can accommodate the various schedules of our members. We are looking to host one meeting on a Sunday afternoon (probably from 3:00 to 4:00pm) while the second meeting will be held on the fourth Tuesday evening of each month from 7:00 to 8:00pm. Unless otherwise noticed our meetings will be held in the Collab Room of the Moorestown Public Library.

As the groups organizer it is my goal to make each of these meetings as welcoming, supportive, and educational as possible. My primary request is that during our group meetings each member will be respectful of their fellow members and remember that we are all unique individuals and what might work for someone could very well have absolutely no benefit for another. I also ask that each member be respectful of the privacy of other members. If you are not comfortable sharing your full name then you may choose to share either just your first name or even use an alias if that would make you feel more comfortable.

If you are interested in learning more about the exact nature of our meetings please do not hesitate to send me a message. I will do my best to respond to you as soon as possible.

And yes, I hate that we live in a society where this even needs to be said....but please remember that this is going to be a peer led support group and therefore nothing which is said or shared should be considered to be coming for a licensed mental health professional.

**When talking about serious long-term childhood abuse, this could mean any or a combination of the following types of abuse: physical, emotional, mental, sexual, spiritual.